Friday, April 8, 2011

Starting this blog

Well, I hope you enjoy following our journey. I am a very busy mom nowadays - but I will still find time to update this blog once in a while! Our story is very special, because we were a happy family of 4 for many years and now we became 5. Yes, very much planned. That is the first question I get asked every time!

We have 2 older kids, our son is 15 now, and our daughter is 13. I guess they have always been such good kids that we decided to have another baby after all this time. Many people did not (and still don't) understand why. But we have always wanted more. And the truth is that I have always felt like they grew up too fast, both my husband and I were in grad school with 2 toddlers, and I felt like we never truly "stopped and smelled the roses". Looking at our photo albums you see that this is not true, we always "lived for them". We did everything as a family, always together, They even participated in our research projects, "helping" collect data. But we wanted more. So Gabriella was born last November, she will be 5 months old soon, and I decided to create this blog to tell about our story and keep friends and family up to date on everything that goes on.

So, enjoy, follow me, write comments, ask questions, do whatever you want (within reason!). 

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