Thursday, April 14, 2011


Gabbie (we actually call her Gabi, which is the nickname in Portuguese) is growing too fast! We try to enjoy every little moment we have with her, but they go so fast! Now that she is 5 months old, we want to be able to record the monthly milestones, but I couldn't just start from 5. So I decided to go back and post a picture for the past 4 months too. Here we go:

She was born on Nov 11. Very cool, because she will turn 1 on 11/11/11! And, she was also born at 8:11am, so I guess her lucky number is 11. As I mentioned in the previous post, her legs and feet were very different, all positional, so even dressing her was difficult. And holding her was difficult too. Here is Gabi at 1 month:

2 months:

3 months:
 3 months with casts on:
And finally 4 months: 

Ok, now that we got all that "out of the way", I can start posting about her milestones starting at 5 months! Why didn't I start the blog sooner?????
Now that she is 5 months, we are starting to worry about some little things. Well, at least I am, my husband says he is not worried at all. She hasn't turned from belly to back yet. First, because she HATES being on her belly. But I think it is also because she hasn't had much tummy time before, when she had the casts on. She does not move her legs as much as I see other babies her age do. Again, maybe because of the same reason. She has excellent neck support, but when she is on he tummy, she just cries with frustration.
Her reflux also has not improved. Don't get me wrong, it is MUCH better than before the medicine, but many times she spits up and we have no idea what we did different to cause that. It is a problem in the busy mornings -  I have to give her the medicine (which tastes horrible), wait for 30 minutes (with her crying hungry), and then feed her, wait at least 30 minutes more before I can even change a diaper or put her in the car seat. I've been trying to give her the medicine when she is still asleep, so that she will sleep through the next 30 minutes instead of waking up and realizing she is hungry, that works much better.

We also started solids before she was 4 months in the hope that it would stay down better than the bottle. She is not a very good eater, she eats it but not like my other kids, who wouldn't even give me enough time to get another spoon before "asking" for more. But she is getting there! Yesterday she ate one entire little jar of baby food  for the first time. I will start making my own baby food soon (I hope), maybe she will like that better :-)

Today we get the 5 month professional pics she took at daycare back, I will post them tomorrow.

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