Thursday, June 23, 2011

Eating keeps her busy

Gabbie has never been a good eater. She doesn't really enjoy her bottles, but who would???? That Nutramigen tastes really bad, believe me, I tried! And smells really bad too! I wouldn't want that either, I can't blame her.

But she likes to eat her baby food. She does not like the ones in the little jars, but loves the pouches. The consistency in the pouches seems to be different, not so liquid, and she prefers them that way. Carrots are the absolute favorite! But she also likes some others that I am too afraid to taste after the experience with the Nutramigen. If they taste like they look, I don't want to try that! But even with the ones she likes, she is not like my other kids were with food. She takes her time, doesn't seem too eager to eat. Then we discovered finger foods. I thought she was too young to introduce real finger food, except for apples, that I let her suck and just pay attention so that she doesn't get a small piece. Well, she is only 7 months, but I went to the store to find something I could give her, and we decided to try the puffs anyway. She loves them!!!

They were not around 13 and 15 years ago when I had the other kids, so I had no idea that they actually dissolve in her mouth and she doesn't choke. So now, when we are having dinner, we just put her in the high chair next to us so she can also participate, and give her puffs. That keeps her busy and we can always have a nice family dinner. That has also helped with her coordination. She seems to be doing great at that! Watching her reach these little milestones is great, it makes us forget for a while that some milestones will be very difficult to reach, and that we have a rough path ahead of us!

1 comment:

  1. Paula, she is too cute! And her dexterity is incredible. My boys still have a hard time getting puffs in their mouths and they are a full month older. I am sorry you are dealing with the uncertainty surrounding her legs. I know how frustrating it is to be ignored by the pediatrician. I'll keep you and Gabbie in my prayers---keep us updated!
