Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Looking back on Gabbie's year (2014) - a lot to be thankful for!

It’s pretty much impossible to get through these last days of 2014 and not look back, reflect, and be thankful for all that has happened in this amazing year. It was a year of many struggles and my stomach and esophagus are witnesses to what stress can do. And also that constant pain and occasional injections on my left shoulder and arm are proof that carrying extra weight (mine and Gabbie’s), and all the bending and twisting can take a toll on your body. But as any other mother out there, I would do it all over again, and probably will for as long as I can - because she needs me to and because I have a lot to be thankful for.

My little girl continues to go against all odds and prove all doctors wrong. This year she started walking without her walker and, even though she still loses balance and falls a lot, she gets up every time with a smile on her face, to try again, and again, and again. She is determined and doesn't truly understand her limitations yet (I’m sure that will come later, as well as the frustrations associated with that), but what amazes me even more than her determination, is that she never complains about what she cannot do. She’s been trying so hard and I am so proud of her. 

2014 marked the year that Gabbie started in the two hippotherapy programs. She has been going to Ride-to-walk for 9 months now and we believe that it had a major impact on her ability to walk unassisted this year. The therapist, staff and volunteers are amazing and Gabbie loves to ride “her” horse.  At Project RIDE she also works on cognitive skills while still getting the motor and sensory input from riding the horse.

She continued her physical, occupational, and speech therapy sessions, and now she has been evaluated by a group of therapists from our School District and they were able to place her in a special education pre-school program for 3 hours/day to give her the individualized attention she needs and get her ready for school. That will start next year and we are so excited about it and thankful to all the therapists along the way that helped make it happen. We believe it will help her a lot.

One major accomplishment that I need to mention for 2014 was potty training. Because she needs help to dress and undress, to climb on and off the toilet, and has a hard time focusing on anything, we had been dreading potty training. But we finally decided it was time and, as anything else, she took it like a pro, and proved us wrong again. It was not nearly as difficult and in 4 days she was a “big girl” and is very proud to be wearing her big girl “My little pony” underwear.

Of course we still have a lot to work on, but looking back on all the good things that happened this year, tears of joy come to my eyes as I write this, and I am so very thankful for it all. 2015 will certainly bring its share of struggles and tears, but we know that we will overcome whatever comes our way, because our little girl teaches us every day that nothing is easy, but many things are worth fighting for.

Thank you Gabbie for being my daughter!